Presentation of the project,
popularization events

WebGIS stories

Urban air quality and thermal comfort

Presentations at conferences

Besides dissemination through the web pages, the project results were presented at several scientific conferences:

  1. EMS Annual Meeting 2022, Bonn, Germany
    • Michal Belda: Sensitivity of the LES model PALM in the urban environment: a case study in Prague, presentation
  2. EMS Annual Meeting 2023, Bratislava, Slovakia
    • Petra Bauerová: Measurement campaign focused on meteorology and air quality to support the validation of the PALM LES model in Prague, presentation
    • Michal Belda: Trade-offs Between Improvement of Thermal Comfort and Air Quality in Urban Environment Indicated by LES Model PALM Simulations in Prague Case Study, presentation
  3. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting 2023, Denver, USA
    • Jan Geletič: Complexity of Adaptation and Mitigation Measures in Urban Canyon – Microscale Modeling Approach, presentation
    • Michal Belda: Trade-offs Between Improvement of Thermal Comfort and Air Quality in Urban Environment Indicated by LES Model PALM Simulations in Prague Case Study, presentation
  4. The 23rd International Congress of Biometeorology 2023, Tempe, USA
    • Jan Geletič: Sky view factor and its effects on thermal comfort in realistic urban environment, presentation
    • Michal Belda: Simple and complex measures for improvement of urban thermal comfort: an LES modeling study, presentation
  5. The 11th International Conference on Urban Climate 2023, Sydney, Australia
    • Jan Geletič: Complex analysis of effects of street tree quantity in pedestrian level using large-eddy simulation model, presentation
    • Michal Belda: Supporting urban planning with the LES model PALM (a case study for Prague, Czech Republic), presentation
    • Pavel Krč: 3-D radiative interactions for non-orthogonal surfaces within a regular grid of a microscale atmospheric model, presentation
    • Pavel Krč: Utilization of the sensor network and remote sensing measurements for validation of the LES model PALM in urban area, poster
  6. Czech Meteorological Conference 2023
    • Petra Bauerová: Measurement campaign focused on meteorology and air quality to support the validation of the PALM LES model in Prague, presentation (in Czech)
    • William Patiño: Implementation of a prognostic mesoscale model to simulate vertical wind profiles at Praha-Karlov, presentation (in Czech)
  7. The 1st PALM Model Conference (PMC), 11–12 September 2023, Offenbach, Germany
    • Pavel Krč: 3-D radiative interactions for non-orthogonal (slanted) surfaces in PALM using cut-cell grid, presentation
    • Igor Esau: Integration of PALM simulations in urban climate policymaking, presentation
  8. European Geophysical Union Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria
    • Jenny Turton, Igor Esau, Lasse Pettersson, Vera Kuklina: Urban Sustainability in Action - Multi-disciplinary Approach through Jointly Organised Research Schools (URSA MAJOR), presentation
  9. Arctic Frontiers 2023, Tromsø, Norway
    • Igor Esau: Turbulence-resolving models as meteorological component of a smart city digital twin, presentation
    • Lasse Pettersson, Igor Esau, Wolf T.: Assessment and high-resolution modeling of air quality in Bergen city, presentation
    • Victoria Miles: Urban environmental assessment: Web GIS to communicate, visualize, and share, presentation
  10. American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting 2024, Baltimore, USA
    • Michal Belda: Modeling the Influence of Traffic Infrastructure Changes on Air Quality in Prague with the LES Model PALM, presentation
    • Pavel Krč: Utilization of the sensor network, remote sensing measurements, and the microscale LES model PALM for the air quality assessment in polluted urban area, presentation
  11. University of the Arctic Congress, 2024, Bodø, Norway
    • Miles V., Esau I., Kuklina V., Zaslavskaya O., Fostering Practical Urban Resilience in the Arctic: A Confluence of Science and Art, exhibition
    • Esau I. Assessing urban stakeholders with high-resolution urban atmospheric modeling, poster

Presentations for stakeholders and general public

To harmonize the design of our research and experiments with the principal recipients of the results, we continued communication with the Municipalities of Prague and Bergen and relevant stakeholders’ organizations (e.g. Prague Institute of Planning and Development, Bergen Port Authorities) as well as with affected city districts. In the Czech Republic, we took part in a public workshop organized by Prague Municipality in May 2023, where we presented the TURBAN project results (see below). We also organized a special workshop named ‘Air quality and thermal comfort in the city of Prague’ for urbanists, other specialists, and the public on November 6th, 2023 at which project results were also presented. The workshop was the first in the series of workshops comprising the V17 result, the other ones were organized in April 2024 in Bergen (April 3rd), Ålesund (April 4th), and Trondheim (April 5th) in Norway. The project results will be also presented at the annual assembly of the Norwegian Geophysical Society (June 18-20, 2024, Bergen).
List of the dissemination presentations done inside the project:

  1. Consultation meeting on the use of microclimatic parameter measurements for evaluating adaptation measures in Prague, Prague City Hall, April 30th 2023
    • Petra Bauerová et al.: TURBAN Project: A year of experience with low-cost sensor measurements in a traffic-heavy area, including preliminary results of the measurement campaign
    • Hynek Řezníček et al.: Specifics of the urban environment at various scales; thermal comfort and related variables
  2. Workshop "Air Quality and Thermal Comfort in Prague", November 6th, 2023, organized by Jan Geletič, Michal Belda, Pavel Krč, and Jaroslav Resler:
    • Pavel Krč: Introduction to the TURBAN project
    • Petra Bauerová, Ondřej Vlček: Measurement campaign of meteorological elements (MWR, LIDAR) and pollutants (sensors) for validating the PALM LES model in the center of Prague
    • Ondřej Vlček: What information about urban air quality can various advanced dispersion models provide us?
    • Michal Belda: Micro-scale modeling: basic principles and applications of results
    • Hynek Řezníček: Modeling thermal exposure in Prague-Dejvice
  3. Week of the Czech Academy of Sciences. Prague, November 6-12, 2023
    • Jan Geletič: Weather modeling in cities
  4. Presentation at the Czech Meteorological Society meeting, Prague, December 7th, 2023
    • Belda et al: Micro-scale modeling of the urban environment
  5. Consultation meeting on interim results of microclimatic measurements in the urban environment, Department of Environmental Protection, Prague City Hall, June 12th, 2022
    • Hynek Řezníček, Pavel Krč: Presentation of the TURBAN project results and their use for urban planning
    • Ondřej Vlček, Petra Bauerová: Use of data from the Prague observation campaign to validate micro-climatic models
    • Jan Geletič: Evaluation of thermal comfort measurements and mapping in Prague-Holešovice
  6. Conference "Tree for Life - Life for Tree", Jihlava, September 8th2022
    • P. Krč: Modeling the impact of vegetation on street microclimate
  7. Workshop on research projects in the field of climate change adaptation in Prague, June 15th, 2021
    • Jan Geletič et al.: Modeling realistic urban microclimate and potential adaptation measures
  8. The annual assembly of the Norwegian Geophysical Society, September 30th, 2023, Tyrifjord, Norway
    • Igor Esau: Integration of PALM simulations in urban climate policymaking, presentation
  9. Seminar at NERSC, Bergen, Norway, June 11th, 2023
    • Igor Esau: Smart cities require smart energy, presentation (in Norwegian)
    • Victoria Miles: Communicate, visualize, and share. Web GIS, Art and Science, presentation (in Norwegian)
  10. Bergen kommune, health unit and the environmental health care, October 10th, 2022
    • Victoria Miles, Lasse Petterson: Local urban stress areas and the role of green and blue infrastructure, presentation (in Norwegian)
  11. Bjerkness Center, Hazard group meeting, April 24th, 2022
    • Victoria Miles: Urban heat island as a hazard, presentation (in Norwegian)
  12. Bergen–Ålesund–Trondheim workshop and seminar cycle
    • April 3rd, 2024 Bergen: Experience with knowledge transfer to urban stakeholders
      1. M. Belda: Supporting urban planning with street-scale modeling: case study in Prague
      2. O. Vlček: Legerova observation campaign (with special focus on air quality sensors corrections)
      3. V. Fuka: Urban modeling: principles and applications
    • April 4th, 2024 Ålesund: Technology and multidisciplinary research for smart cities: How to connect research approaches of quantitative and qualitative sciences
      1. W. Patino: Applicability of air quality models of different level of complexity for urban air quality studies
    • April 5th, 2024 Trondheim: Looking for the future of smart cities: Barriers, citizen engagement, and holistic solutions
      1. I. Ezau: PALM modeling system - a mature component of the Integrated Urban Services
      2. P. Krč: What is necessary for realistic urban micro-climate simulations
      3. V. Miles: Enhancing Urban Ecosystem with Citizen Observations and Scientific Solutions
  13. Workshop on Climate Prediction and Services over the Atlantic-Arctic region, May 28th, 2024, Bergen, Norway
    • Esau I., Pettersson L.H., Mahura A. Unlocking micro-climate services with an urban integrated modeling system, presentation and panel discussion.
  14. PALM community model meeting, Offenbach, April 23rd, 2024: coordination of future PALM model community development and utilization (in order to secure applicability for the project implementation phase). Participants P. Krč and I. Ezau.
  15. The 2nd workshop in memory of Sergej Zilitinkevich, October 31st, 2023, Tromsø, Norway
    • Igor Esau: An overview of urban climate and sustainability at the North, invited presentation